Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Christian Worldview

This week's discussion was to type up a Christian worldview in 250-500. I found it a real struggle because it's such a huge topic so anything I can say would just be inadequate to cover the whole scope of things.

Anyway... That being said... Here's my answer...

God is One with three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each taking on a different role (the Trinity). He is the Creator of everything in the physical and spiritual world. He is Sovereign and reigns over all He has created. He is love; He cares for Creation and wants to make it right again. Humans are the lead worshippers of Creation, made in the Image of God (Imago Dei). We represent God’s reign in Creation and then gather the praises of Creation present them back to God. Humans create from what God has created. We are meant to tell stories of hope in a hurting world and build communities linked together by grace, forgiveness and love.

Although God loves humans, we have a choice of whether or not to love Him back. In order to fully love Him, we must have faith in Him, trust Him and obey Him. However, from Adam and Eve right on through human history we have all struggled with the choice to trust God and have the faith to do what He says or to do something else for some reason or another. Many times we’ve chose the “something else” thus “missing the mark" (sin) of what we were created to be. God, in His mercy, came down in bodily form as His Son Jesus and gave hope of restoration for all humankind. His Kingdom broke into our hurting world and defeated evil so that heaven and earth could unite.

The Kingdom of God is God’s presence and reign and it is very active in this world. It is not completely overlapping with Earth (pantheism: God is everything and everything is God) nor is it far off in a distant place (deism: God created the world but has since remained indifferent to it). The Kingdom is expressed in Creation as living things do what they were created to do (colourful rainbow, sun shining, flower growing, fish swimming, etc.). It is expressed in the human family as we love each other, use wisdom and represent God by showing grace and mercy to each other. The Church expresses the Kingdom of God through worship, service and love.

Jesus helped us to understand what will happen in the end when He prayed: “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.” God will judge the living and the dead then after that He will restore the earth that He called “good” when He first created it. Those who chose to have faith in God will be resurrected to live in the New Jerusalem, in God’s presence. Everything will be put right again.

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