Sunday, July 20, 2008

The value of humans created in the Imago Dei (ICEWS, eb 08)

For: The Institute of Contemporary And Emerging Worship Studies, St. Stephen’s University, Essentials Blue Online Worship Theology Course with Dan Wilt

Dan Wilt discusses in section 3 of his book Essentials in Worship Theology four different characteristics of God and each one is matched with a characteristic of human beings:

1. God as Creator, humans are sub-creators
2. God as King, humans are image-bearers
3. God as Trinity, humans are community-builders
4. God as Saviour, humans are salvific story-tellers

Humans take after God because we are created in His Image (Imago Dei). Each of the four qualities of the human that coincide with God’s characteristics gives meaning and value to human beings.


Creativity makes a difference. A photographer takes a shot that captures a heart-breaking event and this moves people to help. A scientist creates a new formula to fight a disease. A parent creates a loving environment in which their child can develop. A cook creates a delicious meal that celebrates that God has provided healthy food for us. A musician composes a song with notes expressing something that can not be said in words. Creativity is essential to making our world function well, solving problems and bringing joy to others. Humans have the privilege of carrying this valuable characteristic.


God has given us authority over His Creation. This gives human beings the honor and value of being righteous representatives here on Earth. As Ed Gentry says, “righteousness” actually means “right-relatedness”.[1] This gives value to human beings who get to display and experience love as we rule through service as “right-related” representatives of God.

As image-bearers we also represent creation to God. N.T. Wright discusses in his video Scriptural Resources, Creative Integration that Creation is praising God by being what it has been called to be and we as humans are called to gather those praises and present them to God. As lead worshippers we make those praises into a new song.[2]


God has with in Himself a relationship between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Taking after our Creator, we too yearn to be in community, to know someone and be fully known by someone. In Creation, humans have value because of this trait. Animals build “communities” out of instinct whereas we build communities out of love. As human beings we show the “why” of the “what” of community building.


God has poured out His grace on His undeserving Creation that doesn’t always have the full capacity to understand or appreciate what was done. Like the father in the parable of the prodigal son, God runs to us as we shamefully tell Him about some of (often not all) our crap. Now after meeting with God, we have the honor of giving hope to others who are where we once were. As story-tellers of salvation, we are very valuable as messengers of a life-altering message. How will the message of the story be known if someone doesn’t tell it?

I love it that because we humans take after God, our lives are valuable, irreplaceable in Creation!

[1] Wilt/Gentry (Podcast, Two Brothers on Righteousness)
[2] Wilt, Exploring Our Roots: The Contemporary Worship Movement

1 comment:

Dan Wilt said...

Great rearticulation of the ideas, Chels. Well done.