Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Reflection on "the four echoes of a voice"...

Here is my response to the discussion question of Week 1 of my worship theology course:

In the book Simply Christian N. T. Wright describes four echoes of the voice of God that reflect his heart: our sense of justice, our thirst for spirituality, our need for relationships and our response to beauty. The echo that most resonates with me as evidence of God’s reality is the need for relationships.

On the What is Worship DVD, Brian Doerksen discusses how from Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a story about relationship. That is why we seek times of intimate worship, because we are made in God’s image (Imago Dei… Genesis 1:26-27). He is himself an intimate relationship between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There are countless times in the Bible where God works through a person to do mighty things (Moses, Abraham, Paul, Esther, etc.). Our amazing God could most certainly accomplish anything on His own (He made the universe, for Pete’s sake!) and yet He is driven by His love for us to include us in the adventure as His plan is worked out through history.

The four echoes mentioned in Simply Christian are shown in the worship songs we sing such as:

“How Great is Our God” by Chris Tomlin – Justice: “Darkness tries to hide and trembles at His voice…”

“Consuming Fire” by Tim Hughes - Spirituality: “There must be more than this…”

“This is Life” by Laura Woodley – Relationship: “Eyes can’t see the way You hold me…”

“Beautiful” by Sam Lane – Beauty: “You are beautiful, beautiful…”

We are made in the image of God and these echoes of the Creator’s voice show a glimpse of who He is. While the need for relationship is one that speaks loudest to me, each one is equally powerful in expressing the heart of God.

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